As part of the amendments to Chapter 89, Subchapter BB, the state of Texas will now have ten standardized letters that will be used across the state of Texas when communicating with parents. These letters include the following:
- Home Language Survey (All Languages)
- Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program - Parental Notification of Identification and Approval of Placement (English)
- Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Program - Parental Notification of Identification and Approval of Placement (English)
- English as Second Language (ESL) Program - Parental Notification of Identification and Approval of Placement (English)
- Bilingual Program - Parental Denial of Program Services (English) Updated 11/13/24
- ESL Program - Parental Denial of Services (English) Updated 11/13/24
- Parental Approval for Continuation of Program Services - Change from DLI/TBE to ESL (English)
- DLI Parent Notification of Reclassification and Option to Continue in DLI Program (English)
- TBE Parent Notification of Reclassification and Approval of Program Exit (English)
- ESL Parent Notification of Reclassification and Approval of Program Exit (English)
- Denial Student - Parental Notification of Reclassification (English)
Identification and Approval of Placement
Denial Letters
Change of Service
Reclassification & Program Exit/Continuance
Below you will find packets that contain all transadapted standardized letters according to the language. Please note that packets in red text have the updated denial letters.
If you require a TEA Standardized Letter packet in a language other than the ones below, please fill out this form to help us meet the needs of your community.
*Please note Simplified and Traditional Chinese are the written form of Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Taiwanese, Hakka, Hainanese, Taishanese, Chaochow/Teochiu, and other Chinese dialects. The written language that speakers use is based more on location rather than the language spoken. Refer to this article to understand the difference between Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Best practice is to ask families which written language they prefer.