The Purpose of the LPAC Framework
- The Framework for the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) process includes clarification of the legal requirements for the LPAC and provides sample documents and forms to facilitate the training of LPAC members.
- Sample forms may be adapted or enhanced to meet each district or charter school’s individual needs for proper documentation.
The LPAC Framework Web-based Training is comprised of six different modules.
- This web-based training is designed to support LEA staff who serve as a designated member of an LPAC.
- Each module will contain information about one section of the LPAC, including an overview video with a check for understanding. After completion of each video, users will be prompted to complete a brief survey and then provided access to a certificate of completion to download and print with a total of six certificates of completion. It will be a local district decision to determine the submission of certificates.
- It is recommended that all modules are completed in order, but the course is designed to allow users the flexibility to take the modules in any order.
For questions related to the information addressed in the following modules, reach out to the Emergent Bilingual Support Division at
LPAC Framework Introduction Module
The Introduction Module addresses the purpose, membership, and responsibilities of the language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC) and the organization of the framework and resources that support it.
For detailed information about the Introduction section of the training, please reference the following materials:
☑Interactive Note - Optional Tool For your learning (PDF)
☑Introduction Training PowerPoint (PPT)
☑Suggested Forms for this section
The items listed below will be referenced in the overview video
LPAC Framework Identification Module
The Identification Module addresses timelines, procedures, assessment practices, and decision making processes for identifying English learners.
For detailed information about the Identification section of the training, please reference the following materials:
☑Interactive Notes - Optional Tool for your learning (PDF)
☑Identification Training PowerPoint
☑Identification & Placement of EB Students Prior to Kindergarten (PDF)
☑Suggested Forms for this section
☑Code Guide for Bilingual and English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Association (PDF)
The items listed below will be referenced in the overview video
☑Home Language Survey (HLS) (PDF)
☑Identification / Reclassification Flowchart (PDF)
☑LPAC and ARD Committee Collaboration: Identification and Reclassification Guidance (PDF)
LPAC Framework Placement Module
The Placement Module addresses the rights of parents regarding the process of identification and placement, benefits of program services, and approval for program participation.
For detailed information about the Placement section of the training, please reference the following materials:
☑Interactive Note - Optional Tool For your learning (PDF)
☑Placement Training PowerPoint
☑Program Brochures - Bilingual / ESL (PDF)
☑Code Guide for Bilingual and English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Association (PDF)
The items listed below will be referenced in the overview video
LPAC Framework English Learner Services Module
The English Learner Services Module addresses the four state-approved bilingual program models and the two state-approved ESL program models, staffing requirements, and procedures for filing a bilingual exception or an ESL waiver.
For detailed information about the English Learner Services section of the training, please reference the following materials:
☑Interactive Note - Optional Tool For your learning (PDF)
☑English Learner Services Training PowerPoint
☑Suggested Forms for this section
☑Code Guide for Bilingual and English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Association (PDF)
The items listed below will be referenced in the overview video
☑English Learner Program Implementation
☑LPAC and ARD Committee Collaboration: Identification and Reclassification Guidance (PDF)
LPAC Framework Review and Reclassification Module
The Review and Reclassification Module addresses the requirements for conducting ongoing and annual review of English learner progress and the criteria for reclassification of students as English proficient.
For detailed information about the Review and Reclassification section of the training, please reference the following materials:
☑Interactive Notes - Optional Tool for your learning (PDF)
☑Review and Reclassification Training PowerPoint
☑Suggested Forms for this section
☑Code Guide for Bilingual and English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Association (PDF)
☑TEA Accommodation Resources Page
The items listed below will be referenced in the overview video
☑LPAC Decision-Making GuidePlease contact the TEA Student Assessment Division with any questions regarding testing for English learners
☑LPAC and ARD Committee Collaboration: Identification and Reclassification Guidance (PDF)
LPAC Framework Monitoring and Evaluation Module
The Monitoring and Evaluation Module addresses the differences between state and federal monitoring requirements for reclassified students and outlines key elements of the annual program evaluation.
For detailed information about the Monitoring and Evaluation section of the training, please reference the following materials:
☑Interactive Notes - Optional Tool for your learning (PDF)
☑Monitoring and Evaluation Training PowerPoint
☑Suggested Forms for this section
☑Code Guide for Bilingual and English as a Second Language (ESL) Program Association (PDF)
The items listed below will be referenced in the overview video
LPAC Parent Training- Slides (PDF)
LPAC Parent Training- Trainer Notes (PDF)
LPAC Parent Training - Participant Packet (PDF)
VietnameseLPAC Parent Training - Slides (PDF)
LPAC Parent Training - Trainer Notes (PDF)
LPAC Parent Training - Participant Packet (PDF)
SpanishLPAC Parent Training-Spanish - Slides (PDF)
LPAC Parent Training-Spanish - Trainer Notes (PDF)
LPAC Parent Training-Spanish - Participant Packet (PDF)
Spanish with Voice-overFinal Spanish LPAC Voice Over Parent Training Slides 8.19.20 (PPT)
Transcript of the Spanish LPAC Parent Training PPT with voice over (PDF)
How to Use the Spanish Parent LPAC Training PPT with voice over (PDF)