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Timely FAQs

No, a parent or guardian cannot opt their child out of taking the TELPAS, including for EB students who are not participating in a bilingual or ESL program due to a parent denial of services. State and federal requirements to measure identified emergent bilingual student’s language development in English proficiency is met by administering the TELPAS.

The Riverside Insights Iowa Assessment, Form F, is the statewide assessment for the norm-referenced achievement test portion of the EB/EL reclassification criteria.

Yes, an EB student needs to reach a Composite Advanced High score on TELPAS for the domain of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing to meet the English Language Proficiency Assessment portion of the reclassification criteria.


Best Practice Scenario

Anabel attends Liberty Elementary School. Anabel passed the reading and math STAAR in Spanish at a masters level in 3rd and 4th grade. The TELPAS scores for the past years demonstrate English language development at Advanced in the Speaking and Writing domains, and Advanced High in Reading and Listening. This year, Anabel is taking the 5th grade English STAAR reading with no designated supports. Based on the new reclassification criteria, data of academic and linguistic growth, taking STAAR with no designated supports, and the teacher's subjective evaluation the LPAC recommends Anabel for reclassification in May and obtains all signatures for the EOY LPAC, notating that this reclassification is pending a composite score of Advanced High on TELPAS and passing of English STAAR reading. Upon receiving the assessment results, prior to releasing the students for summer break, Mr. Quinteros is able to close out the EOY LPAC.

A bilingual program must be classified within PEIMS reporting to identify the program in which EB students are participating and to monitor and account for receiving specialized instruction. (TEC §29.066). English proficient (reclassified EB) students continuing in a DLI one-way program after reclassification shall be coded under Bilingual Program Type code (5): Dual Language Immersion/One-Way through the duration of elementary grades to adhere to TEC §29.053, collecting a full range of data to determine program effectiveness and to ensure student academic success.

  • English proficient (reclassified EB) students and non-EB students whose DLI one-way or two-way programs have extended to secondary shall be coded in the Bilingual Program Type code table as:
    • Dual Language Immersion/Two-Way (4) if students from both one-way and two-way DLI programs will feed to the same middle school and receive instruction together.
    • Dual Language Immersion/One-Way (5) if EB students from one-way programs will be the only students participating in the middle school DLI program.

A student who has met reclassification criteria as English proficient and has been recommended to exit the bilingual or ESL program by the LPAC must remain in the bilingual or ESL program until parental approval for program exit has been obtained. This guidance refers to the period from when a notification of exit has been sent to the time at which parental approval has been obtained. Parental approval for exit can be obtained in writing by a documented phone conversation from a verifiable telephone number or by a verified email. Verification of phone number or email address is obtained through associated student records.

No. An EB student can only be reclassified as English proficient when they have met all critical components for their grade level. In 11th and 12th grades, the State Standardized English Reading component of the reclassification criteria is fulfilled by meeting at or above the 40th percentile in Reading and Language on the state-approved Norm-Referenced Standardized Achievement Test.

An approved assessment such as ACT, SAT, PSAT, Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, or Reading/Writing assessment may be used in place of either the English I EOC or English II EOC, but not both, for the grades in which the English I and II EOCs area applicable on the EB/EL Reclassification Criteria Chart. (TAC §101.1003)

Yes. If an EB student meets reclassification criteria, they can continue participating in the bilingual or ESL program with parental approval. Typically, this would be most applicable for students participating in a dual language immersion (DLI) program, due to the design of the program. In fact, based on the nature of the program, a one-way or two-way DLI program is the only type of program for which the LPAC would recommend continuation after reclassification. It is important to note that English proficient/non-EB students enrolled in bilingual, or ESL programs cannot exceed 40% of the total number of students enrolled in the program district-wide (TAC §89.1233).

Moving from an elementary bilingual program to a middle school ESL program is considered a change in program placement. A new parental approval will be required for the new program. It is advised that the district establish a system in which middle schools coordinate with their feeder elementary campuses to place the incoming EB students into appropriate ESL classes. It should be noted that the parent or guardian of the student is a primary stakeholder in the child’s education and should be an active participant in the decisions made about their child’s educational program. When consulting with the parent or guardian about the change of service, and completing the required standardized letter, LEAs should communicate to the student and parent or guardian the reason for the change of program as a continuation of services, how the new program services will look, and how to best support the student through the transition to a new program. Districts should not utilize the standardized form used for parental denial of a bilingual program and approval of ESL services.

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