
Teacher Classroom

The purpose of the Teacher Classroom is to provide educators with easily accessible, beneficial resources so they may focus on creating the best learning environment possible for their students.

Teacher Tool of the Month

Parent/Teacher conference season is here! Now is a good time to give your parents a glimpse into the English Language Proficiency Standards for emergent bilingual students. Help your parents understand the connection between the TELPAS report card and the instruction you’re providing in the classroom.

There are a multitude of online resources to share with parents on TXEL.org in the At-Home Activities Page. We’re linking Games to Learn English to start you off.

Cross Reference Checklists

Click on the images below to download the new dual-identified one-pagers for reference as you work with your emergent bilingual students.

We welcome feedback

Please click on the Suggestion Box to submit your recommendations or request varying resources and tools you would like to see featured on our Teacher Classroom page. Thank you for your input!