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Student Resources
Welcome to the Student Resources page. Wherever you are in your journey, whether it be getting through high school, researching colleges or trade schools, or jumping head first into your career, we aim to ensure that you have all the tools required to achieve success.
According to the Texas Education Agency, students who entered high school before the 2014-2015 school year have the option to graduate under the new Foundation High School Program or the existing Minimum High School Program (MHSP), Recommended High School Program (RHSP), or Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP). Additional important information is available in the
TEA Graduation Toolkit
Information on all current graduation program requirements is featured in the following table:
Foundation HSP
English Language Arts
Four Credits:
English I
English II
English III
An advanced English course
Four Credits:
English I
English II
English III
English IV
Four Credits:
English I
English II
English III
English IV
Three Credits:
Algebra I
An advanced math course
Four Credits:
Algebra I
Algebra II
An additional math credit
Four Credits:
Algebra I
Algebra II
An additional math credit
Three Credits:
IPC or an advanced science course
An advanced science course
Four Credits:
An additional science credit
Four Credits:
An additional science credit
Social Studies
Three Credits:
U.S. History
U.S. Government (one-half credit)
Economics (one-half credit)
World History or World Geography
Four Credits:
U.S. History (one credit)
U.S. Government (one-half credit)
Economics (one-half credit)
World History (one credit)
World Geography (one credit)
Four Credits:
U.S. History (one credit)
U.S. Government (one-half credit)
Economics (one-half credit)
World History (one credit)
World Geography (one credit)
Physical Education
One credit
One credit
One credit
Languages Other Than English
Two credits in the same language
Two credits from Computer Science I, II, and III (other substitutions)
*If you have completed a dual language program, this counts as one credit.
Two credits in the same language
Three credits in the same language
Fine Arts
One credit
One credit
One credit
Demonstrated proficiency in speech skills
One-half credit from either of the following:
Communication Applications
Professional Communications (CTE)
One-half credit from either of the following:
Communication Applications
Professional Communications (CTE)
Five credits
Five and one-half credits
Four and one-half credits
Total Credits
Additional information on graduation plans and endorsements available on the Texas Education Agency website
The five EOC exams are Algebra I, English I, English II, Biology, and U.S. History.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) offers students the opportunity to learn more about fields they are interested in pursuing as careers.
Many CTE courses align to certain graduation endorsement plans, so talk to your counselor about what classes you are interested in registering
for and how those courses can benefit your personal goals.
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources: Agribusiness, Animal Science, Applied Agricultural Engineering, Environmental and Natural Resources, Food Science and Technology, and Plant Science.
Architecture and Construction:Architectural Design, Carpentry, Construction Management and Inspection, Electrical, HVAC and Sheet Metal, Masonry, and Plumbing and Pipefitting.
Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications: Graphic Design and Multimedia Arts and Digital Communications.
Business, Marketing, and Finance: Accounting and Financial Services, Business Management, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing and Sales.
Education and Training: Early Learning and Teaching and Training.
Energy: Oil and Gas Exploration and Production and Refining and Chemical Processes.
Health Science:Exercise Science and Wellness, Health Informatics, Healthcare Therapeutic, Medical Therapy, and Nursing Science.
Hospitality and Tourism:Culinary Arts, Lodging and Resort Management, and Travel, Tourism and Attractions.
Human Services: Family and Community Services and Health and Wellness.
Information Technology:Information Technology Support and Services, Networking Systems, and Web Development.
Law and Public Service:Emergency Services, Government and Public Administration, Law Enforcement, and Legal Studies.
Manufacturing: Advanced Manufacturing and Machinery Mechanics, Manufacturing Technology, and Welding.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Biomedical Science, Cybersecurity, Engineering, Programming and Software Development, and Renewable Energy.
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics:Automotive, Aviation Maintenance, Diesel and Heavy Equipment, and Distribution and Logistics.
Note: Availability varies by school district; visit your school district’s website for more information.
Industry-Based Certifications (IBCs)
Industry-Based Certifications help students who take them prepare for success in post-secondary education, the workforce and military. These certification exams can be taken following the successful completion of
a linked CTE course. The 2022-24 Industry-Based Certification (IBC) List provides potential IBCs that students can earn throughout high school.