Private Non-Profit Title III, Part A Services details the responsibilities that local educational agencies (LEAs) have in providing equitable Title III, Part A services to eligible private non-profit (PNP) school's English learners, their teachers, and other educational personnel.
Under Title III, Part A statute, the primary goal is to enable all children attain English proficiency and master standards in academic subjects.

Title III, Part A Services for Non-Profit Schools
This course assists LEAs with the process to plan, design, implement, and evaluate their program and services provided to private non-profit (PNP) school’s English learners . Additionally, the course will discuss the rules, regulations, and compliance requirements related to Title III, Part A services for private non-profit schools.
This course assists LEAs with the process to plan, design, implement, and evaluate their program and services provided to private non-profit (PNP) school’s English learners . Additionally, the course will discuss the rules, regulations, and compliance requirements related to Title III, Part A services for private non-profit schools.

User Guide - PNP Title III, Part A Services for PNP Schools
Communication Log with PNP School Officials (PDF)
Complaint Process for PNP School Officials (PDF)
LEA Affirmation of Consultation with PNP (PDF)
LEA Checklist of Consultation Topics (PDF)
PNP Meeting Sign In Sheet (PDF)
PNP Professional Development Sign-In Sheet (PDF)
PNP Professional Development Worksheet (PDF)
PNP School Inventory Sheet (PDF)
PNP School Reference Sheet (PDF)
PNP School Sample Letter (PDF)