This website will assist Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Fiscal Agent Title III staff with increasing and strengthening the family, parent, and community engagement activities through training, resources, and a step-by-step guide with the necessary tools go beyond the requirements of Title III engagement.

Title III Engagement Purpose

Title III, Part A is dedicated to ensuring that English learners, including immigrant children and youth

  • Attain English proficiency,
  • Achieve academic success across all subjects, and
  • Promote promote parental, family, and community participation in language instruction educational programs

To support the above goals, schools must “implement parent, family, and community engagement activities” as part of the requirements of receiving Title III, Part A funds. These activities should be in addition to or to enhance, increase, and extend programs and services that currently exist using local, state, and other federal funds.

Title III

To learn more about the allocation and use of Title III funds, check out: