July 15th - 17, 2025
The Title III Symposium provides valuable instructional tools and research-based strategies to ensure that emergent bilingual students attain
English proficiency while learning academic content that will ensure they meet the state’s academic achievement standards. Statewide practitioners,
including TEA staff, will offer sessions on innovative approaches for supporting our emergent bilingual students.
Questions? Email them to t3sympinfo@gmail.com.
For the best chance of acceptance, be sure to read the entirety of the guidebooks below before submitting your proposal.
Real Numbers. Your Impact.
EB StudentsImpacted
2024 Title III Symposium Recap Video is now Live!
Thank you to all our wonderful speakers, exhibitors, and attendees for making the 2024 Title III Symposium a success. Please check out our 2024 Symposium Reap to relive the events or to see what you missed. Visit our Google Site to view all our photos and event materials from this year’s Symposium.

Exhibitor Guidelines
Join us in San Antonio to showcase your products and services to this group of dedicated educators and program personnel!

Call for Proposals Now Open!
Thinking about presenting? Review the exhibitor guidebook and submit your proposal. Call for proposals opens on December 2nd.

Early Bird Registration:
Early Bird Registration is now open and ends on Friday April 25th. Click above to go to the registration page.
Registration Flyer
2025 Focus Topics
- Establishing strong community partnerships and effective parent, family, and community engagement activities
- Ensuring equitable access to emergent bilingual students and their families
- Developing a school/classroom environment that is responsive to the needs of students and families of diverse backgrounds.
- Creating LPAC procedures for identification, placement, and reclassification of emergent bilingual students
- Providing ongoing support for and monitoring linguistic growth and content performance
- Strategic lessons to facilitate the transition to English literacy
- Creating a recruitment and retention plan
- Planning a comprehensive professional development plan that is responsive to campus and district needs
- Incorporating ELPS into content-area instruction
- Monitoring instructional practices for emergent bilingual students
- Ensuring linguistic accommodations for emergent bilingual students
- Using data to guide instruction
- Culturally and linguistically sustaining practices, curriculum, assessments, and resources aligned to program goals
- Structuring academic content instruction to ensure mastery of TEKS, higher-order thinking skills, and academic proficiency (L, S, R, W) in English.
- Planning content-based language instruction that is, communicated (context-embedded resources, accessible language, repeated practice), sequenced (explicit language instruction, connections to prior learning) and/or scaffolded (modeling, structured language supports, task-based approach)

Valuable information to link content and instructional strategies in innovative ways to ensure the success of emergent bilingual students

Networking opportunities to connect and share examples of the tremendous things happening in your districts, schools, and classrooms.

Feelings of inspiration being refreshed and renewed to support our State’s EB students as they follow their individual journeys toward achieving success.