
Please see the full schedule below. Register once for the entire day and self-select your preferred session at each breakout slot.

May 9, 2024

8:30-8:55 WELCOME
Participants will submit breakout room topics for afternoon networking.
Breakout Session 1
9:00 - 10:00

Teacher Certification and Support, Part 3

It’s time to consider the effect of strategic moves taken this year to support teachers of EB students, including those on the bilingual exception and ESL waiver. Participants will reflect on how to measure both teacher and student progress, leverage summer learning, and strategize for the upcoming school year as campus leaders.

Job-Embedded Professional Development with CBLI

The CBLI website is live and full of relevant content for all teachers. Participants will explore ways to share the information with other instructional leaders and to effectively integrate research-based strategies into regular teacher professional development.

Connecting the Dots: CIP to Title III Dollars

The Campus Instructional Plan (CIP), District Instructional Plan (DIP), and Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) all inform how ESSA dollars should be allocated. As campus leaders, your voice is needed to establish the local spending plan. Participants will reflect on the local systems needed to effectively inform Title III spending and how to be powerful advocates for funding change.
10:00 - 10:15 BREAK
Breakout Session 2
10:15 - 11:15

Community Engagement

What is the best way to leverage community resources to benefit families of EB students? This session will walk participants through systems for gathering information from families and fostering a relationship between families and the community. Suggestions will be given for taking activities beyond the school grounds and participants will have the opportunity to share ideas.
Ensuring an Effective Chapter 89 Based LPAC – Part 3

End of year LPAC meetings run the risk of being rushed and surface level if not planned strategically. Participants will understand the collaboration that must occur to make LPACs effective and how to facilitate these conversations as campus leaders.

Biliteracy Instruction in Transitional Bilingual Education Program

January’s session explored the “why” behind biliteracy instruction and recommended resources for starting a local conversation. This month, participants will hear from school districts who have implemented biliteracy practices and the short-term effects they have observed in teachers and students.
11:15 - 12:30 LUNCH
Breakout Session 3
12:30 - 1:30

TELPAS/Accountability, Part 3

The testing window has passed, but linguistic and academic growth continues. Participants will discuss ways in which teachers and students can reflect on annual progress and set targeted goals using the Proficiency Level Descriptors.

Setting up for Next Year’s Success

As the 23-24 school year ends, testing windows close and progress is monitored. What systems or processes could be implemented differently in 2024-2025 to better position EB students for academic and linguistic growth? Participants will reflect on key considerations for campus and district stakeholders and have the opportunity to share ideas.
Title III Validation Findings: Lessons from the Field

In the spring of 2024, 74 LEAs participated in Title III Validation meetings with TEA. Each meeting focused on a specific question from the Title III Compliance Report. Participants will hear a summary of LEA successes and challenges and the importance of campus leadership in program success.

1:30 - 1:40 BREAK
1:40 - 2:40 Networking Session
Breakout rooms will be created based on topics submitted during the welcome block. Participants come and go freely during the networking hour.
2:40 - 3:00 CLOSING